In preparing to depart after carefully reviewing your cheap traveloptions, such as cheapairplane tickets, discount hotel rooms, discounttravel deals, and cheap vacation packages, donot take it for granted that you will have to wear wrinkled clothes whiletraveling.
The following are wrinkle prevention tips identified byChristopher Elliott:
Assoon as you arrive at your hotel turn the shower on its hottest setting (eventuallyturning your bathroom into a virtual sauna) and hang your clothes in thebathroom. Within 20 minutes your wrinkleswill have vanished.
Beforedeparting wrap all garments that you will want to hang at your destination inplastic. Typically, the preferredplastic to use are dry cleaning bags. Friction in bags cause wrinkles while plastic inhibits friction.
Payattention to the seams when packing shirts. By folding shirts along the seam lines, you will minimize wrinkles. Ideally use cardboard, preferably from a drycleaner, for stability, thereby ensuring that your garments hold their shapewhile in transit.
Whenyou still need an iron consider traveling with Collar Perfect, a travel-sized (thesize of a cellphone) iron that is designed for quick touch-up but can be usedon an entire garment.
Anotherapproach is to travel with a new Rowenta Steam N Press, which is a multifunctionalgarment care tool which offers a variable steam option enabling the user tocontrol the amount of steam.
If you dont want to wrap you clothes in plastic or ironthem, then you should consider purchasing new anti-wrinkle clothes:
EddieBauer is selling several products, including its Comfort Waist CasualPerformance Chino pants which sell for $65, made from its wrinkle-freeComfortCloth cotton/spandex fabric.
Orvisoffers All Transit Pants ($98) that are lightweight and breathable,moisture-wicking, and quick-drying. Wrinkles that appear during packing tend to disappear once the clothesare worn.
MountainKhakis provide a wrinkle-free experience for people who embrace theoutdoors. Its new Passport shirt ($85)is soft and wrinkle-free because of its unique polyester blend.
Bluffworksdesign travel specific blazers that do not wrinkle. Its Gramercy jacket ($295) is comfortable,breathable, machine washable, and comes with nice touches such as 10 built-inpockets.
Unbounduses wrinkle-resistant Merino wool, creating travel clothes that can be wornfor weeks at a time without needing washing. Merino T-shirts go for $65 each.
The following are additional tips for preventing wrinkleswhile traveling:
Roll,dont fold, your clothes when packing. Rolling will also save space in your bag.
Spraywrinkled clothes at your destination. Wrinkle-release sprays such as Downys Wrinkle Releaser ($1.54) smoothsout clothes. Such sprays work by coatingclothes with a relaxing lubricant that relaxes the fibers, making it easy tosmooth out clothes without an iron.
Make apoint of not overpacking or underpacking. Underpacked or overstuffed bags result in wrinkling. Add or remove items in a bag until you havethe right amount of items to keep them securely in place while traveling.
Groupsimilar items together in your bag and arrange them according to the date oftime they will be needed, to avoid having to later rummage through your baglooking for items, which invariably results in more wrinkles.