Given the ready availability of cheap travel options, including cheapairplane tickets, cheap deals,discounthotel rooms, cheap auto rentals,discount traveldeals, and cheap vacation packages,you should not let the fact that you have no one you wish to take a trip with,prevent you from enjoying an adventure out of town.
About one in four Americans said they would travel solo thisyear. One of the biggest benefits ofvacationing by yourself is freedom you can do what you want, when youwant.
Solo travel is known to make people more resilient. It is a big confidence builder. When you are traveling by yourself, youmanage everything. You navigate newterritory and get to know yourself better.
A recent survey of 2,000 solo American travelers found thefollowing:
57percent of respondents said they enjoy traveling alone because there is nopressure to take part in certain activities
45percent said it is more relaxing
31percent said it makes for a better learning experience
27percent said it makes it easier to meet new people
20percent said they do it because it is difficult to coordinate the same vacationtime with friends.
If you are planning on taking your first solo trip, thefollowing are suggestions on how to make that vacation special, according toDaniel Bortz:
Select asolo friendly destination. First timesolo travelers would be wise to stay relatively close to home and travel withintheir own countries. That way they willknow how to navigate the area and culture and know the language.
If you are feeling more adventurous, lookinto taking a trip to Canada or Western Europe. In addition to considering English speaking countries such as Irelandand the U.K., look into Paris and Amsterdam where you will find Englishspeakers easily.
Get toknow locals and other travelers. Solotravel does not necessarily equate to being lonely. There are several ways you can immerseyourself with locals. Search meetup.comfor a local group that matches your interests. Mobile apps like MealSharing and EatWith let users dine with locals inthe area.
Yet another way to meet people is throughthe Global Greeter Network, a group of volunteers in cities around the worldthat show visitors the sites and their favorite places.
Connectingwith other travelers is another way to enhance your vacation. Meet fellow travelers by staying at hostels,taking free walking tours, booking a one-day group tour of a city, or searchingfor a travel buddy on a site like Trip Giraffe or an app such as Tourlina whichis tailored specifically for solo female travelers.
Avoidpaying single supplement charges for hotel rooms, tours, and cruises that canrange anywhere from 10 to 100 percent more than a double occupancy rate. By being flexible as to when you travel andvacation during the shoulder season, you may be more successful in negotiatinga single supplement. Some tourcompanies, including Abercrombie and Kent, Classic Journeys, and U.K. basedSolos Vacations, cater exclusively to single travelers and offer supplement freepricing.
Followcommon sense travel safety measures:
1. Book accommodation in advance so that you knowwhere you are staying when you arrive at your destination.
2. Arrive during the daytime so that once there ifyou realize it is not a place you want to stay, you have time to make a changebefore it is dark out.
3. Book a room above the first floor which makes itmore difficult for any unwanted visitors to enter your room.
4. Share your itinerary with friends and family andkeep them updated on your whereabouts. Consider setting up a daily check-in time with one of your emergencycontacts.
5. Meet new people, whether they are locals or othertravelers, in public spaces such as museums, coffee shops, restaurants, orbars.
Revel inyour solo-ness! Such trips are a perfectopportunity to focus on you. This is notselfishness, rather it is self-care, which is an essential ingredient to livinga happier, healthier life. Relax as muchas you want, de-stress, and do things you would never be able to do in you weretraveling with kids. Embrace yourcomplete and total freedom.