Once you have properly prepared for an upcoming trip aftera thorough review of your cheaptravel options, including cheap airplane tickets, cheap fares, discount hotel rooms, discounttravel deals, and cheap vacation packages,dont forget to pack your fitness tracker.
Such devices can tell travelers what they are and are notdoing to their bodies. Trackers such asthe Fitbit Blaze or Garmin Vivofit take some guesswork out of life on theroad. Trackers can answer questions suchas whether their wearers have really notslept in a week, how many flights of stairs they have climbed and whether theycount as a workout.
Fitness trackers help travelers stay healthy, in shape, andon track. The following are some of theways a fitness tracker can benefit travelers, according to Ed Hewitt:
Helpsprotect travelers from getting sick by providing a general sense of how muchthe user is sleeping as well as how much exercise is being done and providingdata to ensure the user is not pushing so hard as to become vulnerable toillness and exhaustion. Such informationhelps travelers stay healthy, productive, and confident while on the road.
Providesfeedback on how healthy a trip really is. People tend to assume a beach vacation spent outdoors and playing theocean is better for you than visiting a large city. A recent study found that people take fewersteps when traveling to beach locations though they also tend to get moresleep. Your destination tends to impacthow much you walk. Visitors to Delhitake about 7,000 steps per day, whereas visitors to Rome take over twice that many.
Measureyour distance walked daily. Being on theroad tends to require more steps than someone who has an office job in thesuburbs. Driving to an airport, thenhoofing it across the skyway from the parking lot, then checking in, goingthrough security, then to your gate might well result in you covering moreground than a regular workday.
Make apoint of tracking sleep on the plane. Traveling long distances, particularly across multiple time zones, canmake it nearly impossible to know how much you actually sleep. This information is helpful to know both atthe start of your trip and when coming home. Unfortunately, restful vacations often conclude with a grueling scheduleof pre-dawn wakeups, airport connections, and tarmac strandings. A little dataregarding how much sleep you missed out on can help you reset when you finallymake it home.
Keeptrack of your sleep during your travels. Getting control of your sleep when traveling is one of the most commonchallenges. Having a baseline from reallife helps you understand what you need when you are adjusting to jet lag andsleeping in hotels.
Frequentbusiness travel is demanding and has been found in studies to speed up theaging process and increasing several life-threatening conditions. Time changes, extreme jet lag, poor sleep,bad food, too much alcohol, and other factors tend to beat up frequenttravelers. Using a fitness tracker onbusiness trips helps travelers monitor sleep, activity levels, resting heartrate, and encourage users to take better care of themselves and lower the riskof ill effects during business trips.
Wearingfitness trackers have been shown to create considerable motivation to work up asweat in a hotel gym or take advantage of a local running trail.
Usingan activity tracker on a trip sometimes kick starts a fitness routine thattravelers have been putting off due to other obligations, inertia, or excuses.