Tips on Traveling with Food Allergies While cheap travel options such as cheap airplane tickets, discount hotel rooms, and cheap vacation packages, are all motivators to plan your next trip, potential travelers with food allergies know the fear that comes with leaving home and that fear is sometimes enough to convince some to give up travel altogether. However, in most instances traveling with food allergies can be done safely and enjoyably. The follows are suggestions on how to do just that, according to Heather Davis: • If you can’t speak the language at your destination communication regarding your food allergies can become a nightmare. Allergy suffers should travel with allergy translation cards. The cards can be purchased or designed yourself using the internet. • Speak up and contact your airline ahead of your upcoming trip to let it know about your allergy, the severity, and your needs. Some airlines will remove potentially dangerous items from service carts while others will let you board early so that you can sanitize the areas around you before everyone boards. • Bring your own snacks to ensure that you are not it a situation without anything safe to eat. Packing an emergency stash can be the difference between eating something or going hungry. You never know when your plane is going to be stuck on a runway. It is also a way to protect yourself against being in destinations that are not as progressive in labeling their ingredients. • There are apps to help allergy sufferers find safe things to eat such as AllergyEats for restaurants in the United States and Spokin which helps find people and resources according to a person’s allergy or destination. • Do a little research into your destination before departure to identify places where you will find chefs, waiters, and snack options that meet your needs. Even things like food tours and cooking classes can be enjoyable with a little advance research and notice. • Allergy specific labels, bracelets, and tags announce children’s allergies even when they can’t. Mabel’s Labels offers customizable allergy alert labels, stickers, and more that come in bright colors kids love without sacrificing key information they need to share.
Tips on Traveling with Food Allergies