There is more that goes into enjoying an upcoming trip thatsimply checking out available cheaptravel options such as cheap airplane tickets, cheap fares, cheapdeals, cheap auto rentals, discount hotel rooms, discounttravel deals, and cheap vacation packages.
The following are everyday items that can also serve multipurposetools for travel that while neither fancy or expensive, can come in handy,according to Kelsey Ogletree:
Reusable,resealable, plastic bags, particularly in quart and gallon sizes, can transportwet clothing or towels, hold bottles of wine or other breakable liquid items,carry snacks so that they are easy to find, and corral tech gear so that it isnot loose inside your bag.
Large plastic bags can be used to planyour daily outfits, and if you are seriously organized, even label them withthe day you plan to wear them. Plan on slippinga plastic bag over the TV remote at your destination to protect yourself fromgerms. When traveling with kids, havingextra plastic bags in case of motion sickness is wise.
Alightweight Turkish towel may look like a simple cotton wrap, but due to itshigh absorbency and superb packability, this towel can serve many purposes: useit as a blanket, roll it up as a pillow on a plane, take it to the park or thebeach as a picnic blanket, dry off with it after swimming, wear it as anoversized scarf or shawl, or lay it out flat and tie it up in a bundle as amakeshift sack.
Foldable,machine washable, bags often come in handy, whether your suitcase is overweight,or you have purchased too many souvenirs, so long as they are light and take upbasically no room.
Bungeecords do not take up much space and make great travel multipurpose tools. You can use them for tying things down ortogether, fixing a broken bag, or even as a clothesline.
Binderclips come in handy when hotel curtains will not close completely. In addition to holding papers and traveldocuments together, binder clips can function as a money clip, bookmark, razorprotector, cord organizer, or makeshift zipper pull, in the event one of yoursuitcases breaks.
Awaterproof pouch helps keep tech equipment dry and hold additional items suchas a wallet and other daily essentials. Such pouches are useful during rainy weather, outdoor activities such aszip-lining or kayaking, or visiting places where your belongings could get damp(such as a waterfall or pool). Awaterproof pouch can hold all your toiletries in your suitcase. Then it the event that something spills allyou do is wash out the case.
Antibacterialwipes will protect you from many nasty germs and are the most versatile andessential item that you can place in your carry-on. Once you arrive at your airplane seat youshould wipe down the armrests, headrest, tray table, and seatbelt. Wipes should be used in hotel rooms to cleanlight switches, countertops, door handles, and sinks prior to their use.
Wipes also come in handy removing makeup,getting deodorant off your clothes, or as a stand in for toilet paper. Pack extra so that you will be able to wipedown your cellphone, tablet, and computer each day. Studies have found that personal tech gadgetscan harbor ten times more bacteria that a toilet seat.
Packingcubes can be used to create a well-organized suitcase which will hold a lotmore than a messy one. Travel organizersnot only come in handy for separating out your things (socks and underwear,workout gear, tops, bottoms, etc.) but also provide major space savings. Mesh packing cubes are preferred so that youcan easily see what is in each compartment.
Asmall kit of essential oils has multiple uses for keeping you healthy whiletraveling. For example, calminglavender, can be used as a sleep aid, to soothe bee stings or insect bites, asa moisturizer for dry skin and lips, as a remedy for cold sores, as anantiseptic for cuts and scrapes, and as a perfume. Peppermint oil can help relieve muscle andjoint pain, sooth an upset stomach, unclog sinuses, and help with allergy relief.
A buffheadband can be worn as a hat, neck warmer, facemask, hood, headband, hairband,or just about any other style you can think of. Made from performance fiber, a good buff should be moisture wicking,quick drying, breathable, and protect you from the elements in both hot andcold weather. It can also shield yournose and mouth from dust, wind, sun, and insects.